Instructor of the Month

Our team consists of many qualified individuals with a rich background in a variety of specialties. Each month we will spotlight one individual to help our clients get to know our team. July Instructor of the Month: Jay Moeller What makes you smile?  My Family – They are the world to me!                 Do you have a talent that no one knows about?  Not really, I do make some small furniture pieces and I like to work with my hands!        What’s your weirdest habit?  Talking to much!          What is one thing that you are good at?  Teamwork What is one thing that you are bad at?  Over promising What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?  Doing things with my wife! What is your favorite thing to cook / eat?   Grilled foods, it is a easy way to stay healthy. How many siblings do you have? 4 What motivates…

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Brand New Course Added

Industrial Incident Management Team – Expanded Response Phase The course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region.  The course emphasizes…